Monday, March 4, 2013

January and February

This picture is property of Liberty University
Opening of Missions Week Feb. 2013
More than 60 countries represented

A fresh call to a new generation:

It is amazing to think that we have already finished the first two months of this year. Everything has passed so fast, days seam to be shorter. I remember my first week of classes, I was not used to spend many hours in a class and we all would fall sleep in the classroom after lunch. The first month was a hard month but today I see the benefits of the effort.

Now weeks pass by flying the same with every month. Homework everyday, quizzes every two days and final exams almost every week.
This last two months have probably been the months of greatest studying of all the course.
In December we finished the first stage of the course which was the basic studies called General. It was more time in the classroom than the time of practice, approximately 70-80% of classes and the rest working in the hangar with the aircraft.

In this same month of December we started the second stage which is Airframe. Something that we were all waiting since the beginning of classes. This is more hands on and practice, here we had 50% of classroom and 50% in the hangar. It has been an exciting time but still of lot of study.

In January we were reinforcing electrical, most of the students had a lot of difficulties with this class. At this time we had to study from 6:30am and add a couple of more hours of study time to everyday to finish homework and study for exams. I thank God we finished that class two weeks ago, now I feel much better in this subject and I am able to sleep a few more hours everyday.
Learning how to paint with my partner, Lee McBroom.
In these two months we finished more than 10 classes getting now to the middle of the whole course completing approximately 950 hours of study. In about a month we will have the first of two exams for the first license of mechanics. I feel a little nervous since I have to demonstrate all that we have learned  in six months of study in almost  30 classes. This exam requires three steps, a written test with a combination of questions of all classes, then an oral exam evaluating each one of the topics seen and a practical test, developing tasks in every class we have learned till now. This is an exam of almost 8 hours without counting the written exam.

For this reason I ask for your support in prayer. It is not required to take this test in a month but it would be a good option before we continue with the third and last stage of the course.

I also need your prayers for the finances for this semester. Thank God and the support of many people, last semester is all paid! I haven´t been able to make any payment for this semester.

I would like to share the engagement of my younger brother Jeferson and Natalia, let´s support them in prayer for their wedding plans and goals for their ministry.

As always,  I say bye, thanking you for all your help and support during my studies. It is and will be very important to count on your prayers and encouragement to accomplish  results that may glorify God and make an impact in those who are in need.